Photo: David Stingle

Photo: David Stingle

Hi and welcome.

Your cateye looks good.


Work Gemstones Into Your Life - Without Jewelry

Work Gemstones Into Your Life - Without Jewelry

Since I am a hobbyist beauty and jewelry blogger, it's no secret that I often have fine jewelry on the brain. When I'm not thinking about my kids, I'm probably totally obsessing over lipstick or diamonds and the like. I'm also a giant fan of even the most basic gemstones (such as amethyst) incorporated into daily usage, and not the hippie-crystal sort of use.

It's no giant surprise, then, that I have a host of new favorite products to share, since as Vogue says, "gemstone-powered accessories" are some of the "it" stuffs of summer 2017.

Here are a few fun ways to quite literally infuse your life with gemstones - donning nary a bracelet nor necklace (and all without the new-agey bull-crud, to boot.)

First, whether wine or water is your beverage of preference (or like me and Jesus: both), you can dip the soul-souping power of gems into your cup. Witness VitaJuwel, the fascinating little startup producing all sorts of quirky and gorgeous accessories for your libations and hydrations.

Directly below, and also in the title photo above, are water vessels which incorporate the the loveliness of aquamarine, carnelian (and the like) into your daily H2O.

The item I'm in love with is a fantastic little wine accessory/drink stirrer, below. It is said that in ancient times, the Greeks added amethysts to wine, and in fact, amethyst translates to "the non-intoxicable." It's no wonder that a little dip of this garnet and amethyst wonder makes wine just feel more amazing and awesome.


Whether wine or water is your fave bev (or like me and Jesus: both), you can get that with gems in your cup.


And now thanks to Colourpop, you can also smear the beloved amethyst all over your visage. A priming spray, highlighter and duo-chrome mermaid-y balm, all infused with the crushed gemstone.

Last, but certainly one of the most fun, would be a personally-commissioned piece from Reena Ahluwalia. Wouldn't it be fabulous in a dressing room or girl's bedroom?


Until next time dears, I'll be working on a new series about special places in the Greenwich, CT area, so send me any suggestions if you have them. Shine bright like a daimond.


Xx, Mom in Mascara




Beauty Gifts With Purchase: On Sharing

Beauty Gifts With Purchase: On Sharing

Bridal Transformation

Bridal Transformation